Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Follow up appt

I had my week after surgery follow up appt today. Of course me and the girls left our house late and was rushing to my mom's house to drop off the kids with Erin. She offered to watch them for me while I went to my appt. :) I am glad I called ahead to find out exactly where to go. I was dropping them off right about the time I was supposed to be arriving at my appt, so I got there right before my scheduled time. The receptionist looks at me and asks, "Do you have your paperwork with you?" NOOOOO!!!!! I totally forgot that when I made the appt she asked me to print out the paperwork online and fill them out before I come. I have so much going on these days with moving and my divorce that I totally forgot. I felt horrible. I told her I didn't fill them out and she got on the phone and told someone that I didn't fill out my paperwork. Feeling even worse now. She said that someone was getting ready to go into surgery and it would take me atleast 20 mins to fill out the paperwork. They said I would have to wait about 45 mins before I could be seen. I said that's fine. I'm not going to complain when I was my fault anyways.

Turns out I only had to wait 5 mins after I was finished with my paperwork to be called back. The doctor looked at me and said that I am healing nicely. :) He said it's common to be sore and it will feel less and less sore until it's all better. I went back to my mom's house after my appt. I went to check my mail that was on the diningroom table and guess what was there. The dr office sent me the paperwork. lol If only I had seen it before my appt.

The girls and I spent the rest of the day at my mom's house. We watched some tv, played on Erin's computer and went to Target. After everyone got off of work, we celebrated Erin's bday with a yummy dinner, cake and then presents.

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