Thursday, October 1, 2009

Potty training

I know I've already told everyone but I am so excited. Camryn is kicking butt at potty training. I was changing her diaper this morning and decided to put her in underwear and try to potty train her. She is doing so good. She has been peeing in her potty all day. She still has dry underwear. I think she is really enjoying using the potty. She tells me she has to go pee and then she runs to the potty. She even wipes herself and pours the pee into the toilet and flushes all by herself. The idea of not having to buy her any more diapers makes me so happy.


Cori said...

YAY CAMRYN!! I'm so proud of you girlie!

brandi said...

Thats awesome! Go Camryn!