Sunday, February 21, 2010

Babysitting in Monroe

Hi everyone!

Wow it's been a while since i posted. Just to quickly update everyone, Camryn is 3 and is done potty training. She is going to start preschool in Sept. She is very excited. Jordyn is 10 months old. She is very mobile. She is always all over the apartment.

From Feb 18th to March 7th, the girls and i are in Monroe while i take care of their friends, Madison and Emmalee Fields. Their parents are on a cruise with their whole family. Lucky Lucky people. lol I have decided to start blogging again so Jaime and Zak can read what we're up to.

On Friday Feb 19th, I packed up all the kids and we went to Duvall. I had another babysitting job watching 2yr old triplets. So i had 7 kids total all under the age of 4. Most of the day went pretty good. The older kids played and I was able to get the babies down for a nap. When it was time to leave that is when things got crazy. Emma and Jordyn both wanted to be held but i wanted to get everyone's shoes and jackets on.

Sat Feb 20th. It was nice to be able to not have to rush out the house early in the morning. We took the day slow. Got the babies down for a nap and then I got the big kids ready for a birthday party. After the babies got up, we all headed to the party in our party dresses. It was nice because the party was only 4 mins away. I was Serenity's 3rd birthday. She is my cousin Kylie's niece. Their family is so nice and so welcoming. It was a lot of fun. They had snacks and cupcakes. After playing for a while they brought out the pinatas. I don't think Camryn had any idea of what was going on. But she wanted a turn. lol She loved wacking the pinata with a stick. Maddie had a blast too. It took a while to brake it open since most of the kids were so young but towards the end they brought out a couple bigger kids.

By the time we were done with the pinatas it was 5:30 so it was time to head home. Both big kids said they loved the bday party. Maddie said it was the best bday party ever! lol We got home just in time to feed Jordyn dinner get her to bed. Feed Emma dinner and get her to bed. Then feed Camryn and Maddie and get them to bed. Then comes my favorite part of the day, time for me to eat dinner and get to lay in bed and relax.

Feb 21st. Lazy Sunday. Today we have no plans so we are just hanging around the house in our pjs. I have been doing some light cleaning and the kids are playing. Jordyn is napping and it really helps the noise level. :) When Jordyn wakes up it will be time for Emma to go down. :)

After naps Erin came and we all went out to dinner at Red Robin. I usually wouldn't want to go out to a restaurant with 4 kids but Red Robin is such a kid friendly place. Camryn and Maddie were thrilled as usual to get balloons. It was a delicious dinner and then we went back to the house to play some games.

Jaime and Zak: I really hope you guys are having fun and please don't worry about your kids. They are happy and having fun with their friends. They definitely can't wait to see you but i am doing my best of making it fun while you're gone.


Jaime said...

Hi Girls!!! We love you - Have fun!!!

Love Mommy and Daddy!!! :)

Jaime said...
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Cori said...

sounds like you guys are having fun :)