Monday, July 5, 2010

Fourth of July

Fourth of July isn't my favorite holiday. I can't stand fireworks but the food is usually good. This year the girls and I were invited to Bob and Kristi's. Levi had the girls over the weekend so I just picked them up on the way. I invited my sister because she didn't have any plans and she could help out with the kids.

We got there at 3. I thought we were late but luckily we were the first ones there. Everyone else ended up coming around 5. It worked out because we got some alone time with them before it got crowded. I didn't realize how attached Camryn has gotten to Bob. She didn't want to leave his side. He had to take off for about 20 mins and she went crazy. I am so glad to see them spend time together. It was so nice to see Jeremy and Megan, my brother and sister in law. I don't see them very often.

We stayed until about 7. I didn't want to get home too late and my mom wanted Camryn to spend the night at her house so they can watch the fireworks together. I was so happy that Jordyn slept through the fireworks. Every year I always worry.

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